How to disable quick find bar in Firefox

When we are looking to find a particular word or phrase while browsing a web page on Mozilla Firefox, it is common knowledge that we can use the Find bar by clicking on the Ctrl + F keys. This throws up the Find bar which enables you to look up words on a website also offers other useful options such as Whole Words, Highlight All and Match Case. The Find bar is particularly useful for browsers to look up particular words on a website to facilitate faster research and referencing.

In Firefox, there is also another find bar known as Quick Find that helps with any quick search requirements by appearing at the bottom of the page. This Quick Find bar pops up on your screen on pressing the forward slash key (/) or the single inverted quote key (‘) found on your keyboard. Both these keys are very often used when we type something or are reading a web page. More often than not, we may intend to use these keys for other purposes and inadvertently end up opening the Quick find tab which can be very frustrating and can hinder your thought flow and work. Well, worry no more! Firefox 63 now allows disabling the Quick find bar! That’s right, no more annoying Quick find pop-ups to disturb your browsing flow. Finally, Mozilla Firefox has released the option of disabling the Quick find bar. Here’s how you can disable the same and remove the hindrance it causes in your browsing experience.



How Do You Disable Quick Find Bar in Firefox 63?

This feature is available only for Firefox 63 so ensure you are on this version of Firefox to disable the Quick find bar. The following steps will guide you to execute the disablement:

1.       Visit about: config

2.       In the given results, search for find and select ‘accessibility.typeaheadfind.manual’ option from the drop-down

3.       Double click on the above to change its value from true to false.

4.       You have changed the settings of the quick find bar and disabled it.

Another way of permanently disabling the Quick find menu is as follows:

1.       Menu > Options > General > Browsing

2.       Uncheck the option ‘Search for text when you start typing’.

Now the Quick Find bar can no longer cause an inconvenience or hindrance to you during your browsing or typing sessions, giving you a superior experience with the newest version of Firefox 63, Nightly. We hope the above instructions are useful to you.


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